I am having a hard time finding the motivation to blog right now. I broke the blog every five days pattern this week, spacing a week between my last post and this one. Its odd because the fact that I'm doing and seeing more is what is preventing me from blogging. I shall recap as best as possible what I have been up to.
Work has been crazy lately. They have been throwing more and more stuff at me as it gets closer and closer to the Executive Committee meeting (this weekend). Lots of stuff needs to be translated and prepared for this, which is mostly my job. I haven't yet found a way to host documents on my blog so you guys can see what I'm doing and be proud of my mediocre work. I'm getting faster at translating, which I think is do in part to the fact that I'm learning some... its an odd feeling really, I'm not used to the whole learning thing jus
With the EC coming to town through out this week it also means that I have to play tour guide and translator for them, this isn't easy. Its not hard to translate documents because you are sitting in a relaxed office with a dictionary and a computer. Translating for Quakers on the streets of Moscow tends to be less relaxed. (If you don't believe me, as me to tell you the Free Ticket/ Airport/ Flag story some time.)So I'm spending a good bit of time playing tour guide and luggage boy these days which is much less fun than the office, but its only for the week.
If you ask my land lady, she'll tell you I've been doing far too much of it recently. Last week I made some Russian friends, so I've been going out with them a lot. One of them is studying English, so she and I get together and practice speaking every few days. Its not a bad system really, we
I also I have been working on that whole getting "cultured" thing. Turns out its really easy here. I skipped work this morning because I decided that I just couldn't resist spending the two dollars and going to the the opening round of the Richter International Piano Competition. The music was amazing and it was nice to just sit and listen. I met one of the pianists outside and talked with him briefly, however the conversation was some kind of english, russian, bulgarian mix which wasn't easy to work with. His performance of Wagner's Death of Isolde was simply amazing, I was really impressed. I hope he and my Greek friend (we met at the Russian consulate in NY, I had no idea he was in the competition until I looked at the website) make it on to the next round of competition so I can see them again.
Went to the Tretyakov Gallery of Russian art with Pat Stewart, another volunteer at FHM. No biggie, shes just a professor of Art history
Russia is moving on to the next round of Euro 2008. Considering how poorly they played in the first match of group play this is some what of a miracle. T
(Pictures are , from top: Concert Hall at Moscow Conservatory, Statue of Tchaikovsky outside the Conservatory, me with Bulgarian Pianist Julian Gorus, kids way to big to be riding scooters around Moscow...who does that, the Rolls Royce I saw on the way to work)
From Russia with Love,
Cultured! very nice. I will have to tell a Bulgarian friend about your recent encounter with Julian Gorus.
Thanks for the photos! You look happy and not at all maintaining that stoic blank look you wrote about recently :-p
Seems that this will be a summer where you learn LOADS! Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Thanks for keeping in touch...
I wish your summer travel plans involved Moscow... Bryn Will says there are some great gay bars in the city. Not my scene but you may want to do some research.
As for getting cultured, you know my family so you know what a struggle this is... but I try.
I LOVE your blog...it's really interesting and funny and oh, so you! Keep bloggin'!
Clear to me that a witty, relevant (and slightly oxymoronic?) title could have been "Craig gets Culture"--who'd ever have guessed?
And what's with badmouthing your family roots?? Remeber, half your gene pool runs through my veins, too (do genes run through veins?)--'nuf said!
I'm loving your blog--just read through the last months worth--almost makes me want to come to Moscow. . .'cept I'd have a hard time with that face thing.
Hope the big weekend went well and that your luggage boy days are mostly behind you--that can be so degrading, and I know how much trouble you already have with self esteem. . .
Look forward to your next post. . .meantime, lots of love!
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