Wednesday, July 9, 2008

...The Delinquent Blogger

I know I'm horrendously delinquent about updating this thing. In my defense I only get internet at work and when I'm there I really should be work. I'll put up two post this weekend because I have a few good stories from camping and lots of great pictures. I'm down under less than a month here in Moscow, which is kind of crazy. It seems like only a week ago that I was raising a legally purchased adult beverage to celebrate my first full week in Moscow, but in about two weeks I will have been here two full months. A few shout outs really quickly while I'm on a platform to make them:

1) My brother Jay has gotten engaged to his now fiance Kyla. So if you know either of them give them your congratulations. (No offense to any ex's but I think she might be his best pick so far)

2)My cousin Nathan is participating in "20 in 24", a running event in Philly that will contribute every penny raised, including participant entry fee, to a non-profit called "Back on Our Feet." The organization exists to involve homeless people in running as a way to improve their mental and physical health. Email me for more email and click on the attached link to donate.

3) Check out my mom's web page. This is blatant self promotion of the most shameless sort... but isn't that what blogging is all about? She has opened her own practice. Hit up my email with feedback as the website is some what my pet project.

From Russia, With Love

1 comment:

Peterson Toscano said...

so glad to see you bloggin and fighting delinquency. Thanks for the update. I didin't know about Jay's engagement.