I know this is a total cop-out blog, especially considering how remiss I have been about posting in the last few weeks, but things are really busy here. I was in Moscow briefly this weekend and I'm busy now preparing lessons for the english classes I'm going to be teaching next week. So with out further ado I bring you "The Quote Edition"
The combination of translation issues and being in Russia has lead to some pretty worthwhile quotes. I thought I would share them with my lovely blog readers. WARNING: some of these quotes border on the inappropriate, that's what makes them so funny. Consider yourself warned.
QUOTE:"Think about it Craig, why can you buy a baseball bat in Russia, but not a ball or a glove"
CONTEXT: baseball and self defense
QUOTE:"then you must ask question: how come all these people who forced to take theology in schools then take pistols and going around killing all the priests? this big problem, yes?"
SPEAKER: History professor (voice similar to borat)
CONTEXT: rise of the intelligentsia
QUOTE: "I hope that you will let me stay in your house and not discharge on me."
SPEAKER: Russian student of Elizabeth's
CONTEXT: Writing a paper to a "host family" about living at their flat. Student didn't want to be kicked out of the apartment for smoking
QUOTE: "The minister of the region promised to provide them with three millions Jews"
CONTEXT: In class after reading an article on an Italian earthquake. The words Jews and Euros are very close in Russian.
QUOTE: "This is history, you much be precise and factual. We are not sociologist, toying around will silly intellectual masturbation."
SPEAKER: History Professor
CONTEXT: the factual content of my essay on silver age art
QUOTE: "Why you take picture like that? Look normal!"
SPEAKER: Asian family who wanted to take a picture with me at halftime of my football game.
CONTEXT: so i may have taken the first picture with a goofy grin, rocking peace signs with both hands, but come on. who tells the sports star how to pose in a picture.
I promise I'll post at least once or twice more this week. I owe you guys. I might even put up some pictures if you are lucky. There is a good one of me running from security at a park, HQ stuff.
ramble on,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Being "That Kid"
Anyone who went to high school in the suburbs post-1950, or went to a prep school ever has met at least one of this particular brand of "that kid" It usually goes something like this: the coach approaches the team on the first day of practice holding a kid by the collar as if to release the death grip would mean to lose him forever.
Coach: This is (insert name here). He just transferred here from (insert name of large urban high school) since his father changed jobs. He'll be playing (insert most athletic position on team) for us this year. Make sure you make him feel welcome.
Your "that kid" has no business playing with you and your team. He should be at home designing his signature sneaker and preparing for his press conference with Nike. Instead, for whatever reason he has come to your high school to be all-state at three sports, a killer with the ladies, and all but invisible in the classroom. Every year suburban teams are made and broken by the acquisitions of "that kid."
I know it may shock some of you, but I've never been "that kid". I was the "that kid" that everyone knew and thought was smart but still didn't ever do quite as well as anyone expected. I was "that kid" who
I bring this up because on my new football team, the Neva Lions, I am "that kid." Most of my teammates actually believe that if I wanted to I could play in the NFL. I am no way joking either, they genuinely believe I am a good enough player to compete with Adrian "All Day" Peterson. I'm more like Craig "Rarely, if ever, but occasionally on alternating Wednesdays, before 2pm" Zevin. I I tried explaining to them that they are much closer to my skill level than I am to any NFL player, but they will have none of it, because I am "that kid".
The coach has already pulled me aside and asked me to call the defense from the field and help him with teaching. The only problem is people keep telling me that I pronounce things wrong. This astounds me considering they are all American words, but why would anyone believe me. I've installed a sexy gap control defense and a spongy, at best Tampa-2 in back. Its just easier to install defenses where the directions are "don't let them run the ball here, that's all you have to do. just look right there, and make sure that's not where the ball is. if the ball happens to be there, run AT it and do ANYTHING. I'll come help."
Our next opponent has three players who played semi-professional football in Europe, all of whom are skill position players. This is an added bonus for me because game time I wont have to actually match up with any of them 1v1. Our game plan is to put me a Nose Tackle (yes I have come f
ramble on,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Blog for Roman

Here's the way I see its: If you explained the situation and asked the average American what should happen, I see the average answer coming out something like this:
"he should be brought back to the States, put on trial, and have his pervert ass thrown in jail."
However if you asked that same sample of average Americans how they would feel about taking all of our rapists and pedophiles and sending them off to Europe for ever I imagine the answer coming out something like this:
"sounds good to me. better there than here. by the way isn't that kinda how they roll in europe?"
Therefore I think we got the better end of this deal. Leave him in Europe, its not like he can get any more of our children over there. And to tie this all together, the parents of the girl who let her go not once, but twice to Jack Nicholson's house for a photo shoot in the 1970's and didn't see a possible negative outcome were clearly the people who taught parenting classes to the parents of all of Jack-O's victims.
Now you might be wondering to yourself "where is this coming from Craig? Is there something you are trying to tell us?" Yes, in fact there is. For the sake of novelty I'm going to pull a "Memento" here and tell you the punch line first and then work backwards. Here it is "Two 13 year old girls saw me completely naked today for no less than 30 seconds while in a public school" Since you all have enough time to read this blog pleasure me here and get a watch and time out 30 seconds. Its a lot longer than you think. Now think about being naked, in a public school, in front of some minors for that long. Heres what happened.
I had football practice today at a new stadium (I am using that term increasingly loosely). My friend Коля met me at the metro station and we took a bus to the field (also used loosely). We get there and the coach tells us that there is no locker room so we can just change on the street. I give the one eyebrow raise saying "either you were joking or you are now. do better." He responds with "well there's a school there, you can probably change inside." We walk towards the school.
Now about Kolya. Great guy, but the only thing worse than his English is his sense of sarcasm and jokes. As we walk towards the school we are walking in behind two very young girls, say 13 or 14. The look back at us and then keep walking. Коля has this to say "We change inside, they may watch us." Lets dissect this broken English for a minute. "May" has the meaning of both possibility and allowability. "Watch" has the meaning of see, glance at, or stare in a fixated fashion. There is a lot of room for error with my man Коля's English, and this is a cause for concern.
We go inside and get permission to change in the hallway. There is a large lobby and then hallways leading from either side, so if you are on one side you can be seen by, say two girls on the other-side, but not the old lady in the lobby. We begin to change. The girls stare. Now I could be wrong on this one, but usually when young teenage girls see a moderately attractive (Коля not me) 20 something year old guy they giggle or blush or something. These girls just stared. And not in a "I just saw a car accident and can't look away" way either, this was a "those men will soon be naked and by God I will bear witness to it" way.
I see Коля drop trow and pull his compressions on so I follow suit. I gingerly pull my boxers down and before I know it I've been jumped. Коля, who already had clothes on grabbed all my stuff and ran down the hallway. The two girls can see this, the old lady cannot. I am stranded and bound by the time-worn adage "the only thing more obscene than a naked man is a naked man on the run" Seconds tick by. If I cover myself, I am only further acknowledging my nakedness. I am a deer in the headlights. I can't look up and face the beady eyes of the teenage girls, but I know they are there.
Finally some compressions are tossed my way and I can exit the limelight. I look down the hall, across the lobby, and into the other hallway at the girls, expecting chatter or a giggle. Nothing. No emotion, just a monotonous, deadpan stare. I may have just ruined sex for those girls for many, many years. Worse things have happened in the history of the world. Like the recent arrest of Roman Polanski, don't even get me started on that.
ramble on,
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